Hi everyone! I’m happy to update this new post regarding one thing. Since last year, around December, I started doing commissions again and was able to acquire a new device. Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who read and support my work!!! I really appreciate it.
This new device is a Samsung S6 Lite that will go with the main machine (where I do all the rest of the full rendered commissions), it’s not the best in the world but it’s very useful for the way I work and, from what I’ve noticed, I still need some practice regarding the pressure of the new S-pen and how to work the canvases. Something I’ve noticed is that if the canvas is larger than 3000x3000px, it starts to lag slightly, so I have to keep that in mind for future deliveries

Back to the main topic, yes! The reason I got this tablet is because, specifically during the month of February, I won’t be at home, but quite, quite far away and I couldn’t, unfortunately, take my main machine with me, as it’s delicate and very heavy, so this tablet is more portable, however, naturally, less powerful, but not so bad. So, in case of, I have a commission box opened specifically for this type, however, it will have a lower price because they are pieces of art with a different and still experimental style!
Here is the link to my VGen!
I thank in advance the people who have commissioned me within the page, it makes me very happy to work!
I sense that I will also soon have to update this page with the information about commissions from the tablet, in case someone likes the style that comes out of it.
Here I share a couple of tests using the tablet
The main thing I can point out is that Ibis Paint X doesn’t differ much from Sai, however, there are a couple of options that I’m still looking for, usually they are mostly selecting specific elements and working with the effects by layer.
Alpha lock is also something I use quite a bit and I’m happy to know that this app has it! One detail that I would like to see present, is that it could sort layers by folder and that there was an easier way to rename them, although, maybe this option exists and I haven’t discovered it yet.
Well, for now these are all the examples I have, I imagine that later I will be able to update more detailed and worked examples, when I have fully mastered the new pencil!
That’s all I can comment during this post! I should be returning at the beginning of March! I hope everything goes well with what I have to do.
Thank you all very much for your support!