Hi everyone! I'm happy to update this new post regarding one thing. Since last y ...

Welcome! I'm a independent artist who specializes in drawing anthropomorphic animals, feral art and mostly, possessing a slightly emotional, dark and rough style. You can assign me any commission and I will be happy to work with you!

Commission Art Piece
Art pieces of varied styles that you can custom order, they can range from single character pieces to emotes, backgrounds and characters made by given description. I'm constantly adding more new categories!
Editing Funny Gifs
Short looping videos of characters doing any funny action, convenient to make a friend laugh or simply have footage of your character.
Silly Doodle Sketches
Quick and easy character doodles made to order, can be 1 or 2.
Channel Videos
I plan to publish more art W.I.P's that I'm commissioned during the year!

Art streamer

Game streamer

Digital artist
Discord Team
A team of users who, by chance of fate, ended up together. There is a funny lore behind it.

Future reviews this year!

In this section you can find opinions from previous commissioners, thank you very much for your patience and time! I value it very much.
Click on the years
to see some reviews
Recent News
Merry Christmas and new year! Important stuff
Hi everyone! I'd be surprised if anyone reads this but it's fun to post stuff li ...
Short trips with architectural material
For a week, I decided to take a little trip going to different important archite ...
Come back and fast news!
I'm back after a couple of months studying and it's been quite difficult, haha! ...
Working Hours
Studying | Mon-Fri 21.00 - 02.00
Vacation | Sat-Sun 10.00 - 18.00
Add to Contacts
Discord adress: shiniwolf
For better tracking orders and W.I.P's. Please only DM me for work or game invitations.
Help me continue to maintain content. Thank you!
Send me a
note or chat!
Get In Touch
You can contact me for your order or review your piece in Queue!