Short trips with architectural material

For a week, I decided to take a little trip going to different important architectural sites for study purposes. This, in my opinion, is nourishing as it explains why some details from the past still endure today, or even why one could be fascinated by hearing a story of what was once a place, even being the same place where you are standing right now.

So I decided to create an Instagram profile where I share both that material I visit and comment on more work or progress of what I’m doing during my career. I feel it is nice to leave records like these!

Now that I’m back I plan to try (I repeat, TRY) to make some last drawings before disappearing for a couple more months, which is kind of sad, I wish I had more time, ah… It is so helpless to want to do something and not be able to do it. Well, these are things that happen. These are little things that motivate me now in this minute to do.

These are the updates I can share for now! Thank you so much for reading!

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